Relaxation and retreat

Relaxation and retreat

Is life going too fast, have you lost your motivation, your “spark” or your good health?

Goats Ullstorp Sweden

Then it may be nice and perhaps vital to take a few days of retreat or a week in calmness and silence. Go long walks in the woods or sit on the cottage’s patio and meditate or just let your thoughts fly freely.
Our cottages are located in the beautiful Skåne forest, far from traffic routes and the big city bustle. Here you can enjoy silence and privacy. Get new energy or have time to think and be in a way that can be difficult to do at home.

Silence, nature and an opportunity to just be are powerful medicines.
Staying in restful nature is positive for your health, well-being and feeling good. Even our ability to focus, prioritise and balance life becomes better. Research shows strong links between staying in green silent natural environments and health / well-being.

Flower mandala blomkonst Ullstoprs stugor reatret skåne

When we stay out in nature, the body goes into a “rest and digest” mode, which is the exact opposite of the “fight or flight” mode we end up in when we are exposed to stress. When we end up in the latter state, the body closes off all functions that are not essential right there and then, including the immune system. When we feel completely safe and relaxed, our body can instead devote itself to long-term investments that lead to good health effects – to improve, reproduce and build up, among other things, your immune system, body and soul. When we are in nature and in the relaxed state, and the body knows it is safe, it can put all the resources into doing just that.

Nature has not only one or two active ingredients. It is more like multivitamin that provides us with all kinds of nutrition we need. In this way, nature can protect us from all kinds of diseases.

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